Why is Local SEO important?

Why is Local SEO important? When someone searches for a local business on Google or
Yahoo, what do you think will happen? I’m betting that most people will quickly click on the first
listing that appears and then leave the search engine page quickly, if not right away. This is
because your listing will be in the top three listings and people will immediately know that you
exist if you have done a good job with the listing. People searching locally for a service or a
product will almost never click past the first page of results, so it is very important that you make
the first impression count. If you don’t get a good start, there is a very good chance that you will
never get another page on the search engine for your specific keywords.
Why is Local SEO important? Another good reason to local SEO is because of how well it will
help your specific business within a particular market segment. For example, if you are a
restaurant in a particular city, state, or even country, then there is a much better chance that the
people that are looking for your specific product will find your listing compared to if you are trying
to sell to a global audience. Because these individuals are often searching for local businesses
or items that your particular business offers, then they are also more likely to give you an
extremely high conversion rate, so the results that you receive will always be positive.
So why is Local SEO important? It all boils down to the fact that if people use local search
engines, they can find you much quicker, especially when they are searching within your own
market segment. Another great reason to local SEO is that people use these search engines
every single day, so you have to get your listing in front of them. If you want to gain a strong
foothold within your industry, then you need to utilize Local SEO strategies as they can truly take
you to the top three businesses on the top pages of the major search engines.